Well, it's been a while! After Hurricane Katrina I had absolutely no unusual activity in my apartment for a while. Until recently. About a month ago, the footsteps returned. Yesterday, Susan was visiting and noticed the infamous attic door was ajar. She asked if I had opened the door recently and I hadn't. I haven't opened the attic door in at least three months, but here it was, open, deadbolt unhooked and all!
This got me wondering. My friend Dean had taken that odd photo of my from room with the column of blue light a while back (sadly, he never made me a copy) and I was pondering if I might be able to do the same. I began taking random pictures of the house with my new iPhone (love it!). Most of the photos were just photos of rooms. Except for perhaps, one...
I didn't really know what to think when I saw the image, but it seems to me that there is a face or head noticeable in the lower left corner of the mirror. I decided to enhance the pic a little. Here's what it looks like using only the "Enhance" function in iPhoto on a Mac:
And here's a picture taken from the same angle a few minutes later. As you can see, nothing unusual in it:
So what's with the "face"? A trick of the light? An iPhone abberation? Is it Marty? I don't know for sure but it does seem odd that this face would chose to make a cameo appearance in this one picture and I couldn't reproduce the results later on. I'm sure there will be more to come!
10 years ago